
Events & News

Director of Russian Research Center of Private Law and Her Party visited the School of Law, Tsinghua University


On March 13, 2024, Professor Lidia Mikheeva, Director of the Council at the Russian Research Center of Private Law, Professor Ilia Zikun, Deputy Director, Professor Dmitrii Dozhdev, Dean of Private Law Theory and History Studies, Professor Anna Alekseeva, Dean of Commercial Law and Procedural Law Studies, Professor Elena Pavlova, Dean of Intellectual Property Law Studies, and Dr Aleksandr Kostin, Senior Research Fellow of Comparative Law and Private International Law Studies visited the School of Law, Tsinghua University. Associate Professor Long Jun, Deputy Dean of the School of Law, Professor Tang Xin and Associate Professor Jiang Ge, and Fan Jinglian and Lin Wanzhi, foreign affairs officers of the School of Law attended the reception.

Group photo of the meeting participants

On behalf of the School of Law, Tsinghua University, Long Jun extended a warm welcome to the delegation from the Russian Research Center of Private Law. Professor Lidia Mikheeva and Professor Ilia Zikun introduced the Russian Research Center of Private Law respectively, and presented Russian and English books related to the Civil Code to the Tsinghua University Law Library. Next, the two sides conducted in-depth exchange around the compilation of the Civil Code and academic research on commercial law, bankruptcy law, intellectual property law and other related fields, agreeing to seek opportunities for student exchange and research cooperation to deepen academic exchanges.

The talks came to an end in a warm and cordial atmosphere.

Founded in 1991, the Russian Research Center of Private Law is dedicated to the compilation of the Russian Civil Code, and it is a Russian research and academic institution specializing in civil legislation and private law.