




Professor, Vice Dean of Law School


Renmin University Law School, Ph.D. in Law, 2003.

Renmin University Law School, Master in Law, 2000.

China Youth University for Political Sciences, Bachelor in Law, 1997.


Deputy Chief Justice of the People 's Court of Huairou District, Beijing(Since Dec. 2015)

Vice President of Beijing Real Estate Law Research Association(Since Dec. 2015)

Visiting Professor of Law School of Free University of Berlin, as holder of a research fellowship of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (from june 2012 to August 2012)

Visiting Professor of European Legal Studies Institute,OsnabrueckUniversity, Germany, as holder of German Chancellor Fellowship(from june 2008 to August 2009)

Managing Director of China Marriage Law Research Association(Since Dec. 2016)

Director of China Civil Law Research Association(Since May 2012)

Member of the Draft Committeeof China Tort Liability Law, from September2006 to January 2010

Member of the Draft Committeeof China Property Law, from January 2003 to April 2006


General Theory of Civil Law, Property Law, Tort Law, Contract Law


Holder of German Chancellor Fellowship(Bundeskanzler-Stipendium) awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a period of 15 months(from May 31 2008 to August 31 2009)

Holder of Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Renmin University of China, September 2003



1. Research on Secured Property Rights, Renmin University of China Press, 2017

2. Law of Tort Liability,2nd.ed., Law Press, 2015

3. On Real Estate Registration Act, Law Press,2011

4. Textbook of Tort Law,2nd.ed., Renmin University of China Press, 2013

5. FundamentalTheories of China Tort Law,Renmin University of China Press, 2007

6. Contract of Guarantee, Law Press, 2006

7. Property Law:Security on Property, China Legal Press,2005

8. Tort Liability of Misrepresentation in Securities Market, People Court Press,2004

9. Theory and Practice of Mortgage Law in China, Law Press,2002

Co-authored & Co-edited Books:

1. Civil Law (with Prof.Dr. Wang Liming, Prof. Yang Lixin& .Prof. Dr. Wang Yi), 3th.Ed., Law Press,2011

2. General Theory of Civil Law(with Prof.Cuijianyuan, Prof.Shen weixing and Prof. Han Shiyuan),Tsinghua University press, 2011

3. Property Law (with Prof. Cui jianyuan,Prof. Dr. Shen weixing and Associate Prof. Wang hongliang),TsinghuaUniversity press, 2009

4. China Property Law (with Prof.Dr.Wang Liming & Associate Prof.YinFei), People Court Press, 2007

Representing Articles:

1. On Bona Fide Acquisition of Real Estate Mortgage,Law and Economy,No.1(2017)

2. Transfer of Principal Claim and Regitstration of Real Estate Mortgage: Comment on Retrial of Hunan Lueyuan Sugar Co.,Ltd. And Ding Xingyao‘s Dispute Case,Law and Economy,No.5(2016)

3. OnThird Party’ Act in Tort Law, Law Review,No.3(2015)

4. On Perfection of System of the Law of Damages and China Civil Code,Law Science, No.5 (2015)

5. Methods of Compensation in Civil Law, Chinese Journal of Law,Vol.35,No.3(2013)

6. On the Enforcement Procedures of Mortgage,Peking University Law Journal, Vol.24, No.6(2012)

7. On the Criterion for Determining the Ownership of Objects in Multiple Sales of Movables: A Comment on Articles 9 and 10 of the SPC Judicial Int erpretation On Sales Contract, Tsinghua Law Journal,Vol.6 No.6(2012)

8. On Effects and Elements of Protest Registration, No. 5, Jurist,(2011)

9. The Types of Falsity of Real Estate Register and the Rectification of Registration,Vol.29 (Serial No. 88),Law Science, (2011)

10. On the Elements that Constitute the System of Real Estate Acquired in Good Faith: Interpretation on the Article 106 of Property Rights Law of P.R.C.,Vol. 27 No. 5,Studies in Law and Business ,(2010)

11. Distinction Between Real Estate Register’s Public Reliance and Acquisition of Chattel in Good Faith, Vol.22 No. 4,Peking University Law Journal ,(2010)

12. Presumptive Correctness of Real Estate Register,Vol. 32,No. 3,Chinese Journal of Law,(2010) 

13. On the Meaning of “Joint Commission” in Article 8 of the Tort Liability Law of PRC,Vol. 4 No.2,Tsinghua Law Review,(2010)

14.On the Elements of Joint Dangerous Act, Vol.28, No.2,Law Science, (2010)

15. On the Compensation and Deterrence Functions in Tort Law, No.3,Journal of Law(2009)

16. On Registries of Real Property, No.4 Tsinghua Law Review(2007)

17. On the Rule of Presumption of Ownership in China Property Law, No.6, Law Science (2006).

18. Research on Subjects of Automobile Liability, Vol.28,No.4,Chinese Journal of Law, (2006).

19. Development of Principle of Fault Liability in Modern Society,No.1, Contemporary Law Review(2006) 

20. On Joint Dangerous Act, No.5,Journal of Comparative Law (2005)


Address: Tsinghua University School of Law, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C, 100084