

CHEN Hangping


Professor, School of Law, Tsinghua University


Ph.D. in Law, School of Law, Peking University, 2009.

Master of Law, School of Law, Tsinghua University, 2005.

Bachelor of Law, School of Law, Tsinghua University, 2003.


Associate Professor, Head of the Procedure Law Department,

School of Law, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China (2009.08-2015.08)

Visiting Scholar, Columbia Law School, New York, USA (2013.08-2014.08)


Civil Procedure, Comparative Civil Procedure, Civil Enforcement Law


Selected Articles (in English)

· Hangping Chen and Liubing Chen, The Specialized Courts in China: Framework, History, and Jurisdiction, in Loic Cadiet and Yulin Fu (eds), On Judicial Management from Comparative Perspective, springer, 2023, forthcoming.

· Hang-ping Chen, The Unified System of Adjudication and Administration of Chinese Courts, in Peter C.H. Chan and C.H. van Rhee (eds), Civil Case Management in the Twenty-First Century: Court Structures Still Matter, Springer, 2021, pp.53-65.

· Hang-ping Chen, Doing Justice: Chinese Civil Procedure and its Reform, in Alan Uzelac and C.H. van Rhee (eds), Revisiting Procedural Human Rights, Ius Commune Europaeum (Vol. 157), Intersentia, 2017, pp. 93-124; also in Civil Procedure Review, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 153–170, 2019.

Selected Articles (in Chinese)

· Rethinking on the Extension of Subjective Scope of Judgment Enforcement Effects, Moden Law Science (CSSCI), No 4, 2022, pp.36-50.

· Rethinking on the Improvement of Admission in Civil Procedure, Peking University Law Journal (CSSCI), NO. 4, 2021, pp.1048-1064.

· On the Presumption of Medical Fault and Its Litigation, Tsinghua University Law Journal (CSSCI), No.5, 2020, pp.119-131.

· Civil Enforcement Models in Comparative Perspective: Focus on Solving the Problem of “Civil Enforcement Difficulty” in China, The Jurist (CSSCI), No 2, 2018, pp.73-87.

· Harebrained Service of Process: a Sample of the Defects of China’s Judicial System, Law and Social Development (CSSCI), No 6, 2016, pp.40-51.

· New Paradigm of Subject-Matter of Civil Procedure Theory: “Relativity” and China’s Judicial Practice, Chinese Journal of Law (CSSCI), No.11, 2016, pp.170-189.

· Analysis on the Amendments of Claim in Cases Remanded by Appellant Courts, Journal of the East China University of Political Science and Law (CSSCI), No. 4, 2016, pp.21-28.

· Between Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability: an Review of U.S. State Judges’ Performance Evaluation System, Contemporary Law Review (CSSCI), No 5, 2015, pp.130-139.

· Rethinking Inquisitorial System and Adversary System in China’s Context, China Legal Science (CSSCI), No.4, 2014, pp.200-216.

· A Study on the System of Remanding Judgment in Civil Procedure: from the Perspective of Organizational Management, Chinese Journal of Law (CSSCI), No.1, 2012; reprinted by China Social Sciences Digest, No.5, 2012, pp.17-30.

· On “Administration/Adjudication Integration” of Chinese Courts: the History, Practice and Theory, Law and Social Development (CSSCI), No.6, 2011, pp.57-68.

· On the Distinction between “Question of Facts” and “Question of Law”, Peking University Law Journal (CSSCI), No.2, 2011, pp.322-336.

· Societal Transformation, Legalization, and Mediation, Law and Social Development (CSSCI), No.2, 2010, pp.101-111.


· The Justice in the Unified Law Application: an Study on U.S. Appellate Review System, Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2015.

· Chinese Civil Procedure Law, co-authored with Ya-xinWang and Jun-bo Liu, Beijing: High Education Press, 2017, 2021, 2022.

· Civil Litigation Jurisdiction: Theory and Practice, Beijing: Law Press, 2022.


· The Third National Youth Civil Procedure Law Outstanding Scientific Research Award (Third Prize), 2012

· The fourth National Youth Civil Procedure Law Outstanding Scientific Research Award (Second Prize), 2015

· Dong Biwu Youth Law Research Achievement Award (Third Prize), 2017


Voluntary expert on Legal Service of the Supreme People’s Court;

Ministry of Justice National Judicial Examination Proposition Committee Member